Thermal Spray Technology
- Multicoat system for enabling an automated High Velocity Oxy Fuel (HVOF) & Plasma spray process.
- Applied for dimension restoration, erosion protection, anti-fretting and other functions according to coating types.
- Utilizing a 6-axis robot and tilting turn table for parts to be sprayed in any angle and direction.
- GE approved HVOF process CFM56 – 2D,3D & Tech-insertion HPC blades.
- Other capabilities include CF6-80 HPC Vanes, V2500 HPC Vanes and CFM56 LPT blades.
Thermal Spray Coating System by Oerlikon Metco Ag
Thermal spray process on the blades
Blade with HVOF Tungsten Carbide Coating
VIGV with Plasma Coating
HVOF Coating Metallographic Sample